Attiny10 starter - The world's smallest Arduino compatible micro USB-C board
€ 5.88
- Description
- Size Guide
Nice video about how work with attiny10 you can found here:How to use the Atmel ATTINY10 Microcontroller
This board is for advanced users. Tested, Assembled and with sample test code.
USB connectors are for power only !!!! not for programming !!!!
is a high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 1KB ISP flash memory, 32B SRAM, four general purpose I/O lines, 16 general purpose working registers, a 16-bit timer/counter with two PWM channels, internal and external interrupts, programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, an internal calibrated oscillator, a 4-channel/8-bit A/D converter, and four software selectable power saving modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts.
Special features
6x charlieplexed LED controlled with 3GPIO
Reset buton
single row header
6pin edge programming header USBasp compatible ISP / TPI (not included)
0.6mm GOLD plated PCB board
POWER options
from header
CR2032 (holder not included)
PCB micro USB
You receive
assembled board with preloaded code without headers
About PCB USB connector
They are invented with amazing engineer Juan Jesus, he share this shape on
it require 0.6mm PCB board
What's not included
at first install TINY10 core try some sample codes and look for error messages
time for experiments
TINY10 core
Read TINY10 core guide
TPI programmer or USBasp with TPI support ()
6pin ISP adapter
What you can try if it's not working
google search
TPI is 5V ... switch your USBasp programmer to 5V
If your USBasp have no TPI support update firmware (you need another USBasp to upload)
check if AVRDUDE support attiny10
Shipped with preloaded sample flashing code
(KITT efect)
int main (void) {
DDRB = 0b0111; // Equivalent to pinMode
while (1)
led (2,1); //1
led (1,2); //2
led (1,4); //3
led (4,1); //4
led (4,2); //5
led (2,4); //6
led (4,2); //5
led (4,1); //4
led (1,4); //3
led (1,2); //2
void led (char plus, char minus)
DDRB = 0b0111; // all input;
DDRB = plus | minus;
PORTB = plus;
PORTB = minus;
delay (200); }
void delay (int millis) {
for (volatile unsigned int i = 34*millis; i>0; i--);